Ignite the spark of imagination and creativity

Hands on, Project-Based Learning Children Enrichment Classes

Project-Based Learning

By working on projects that mirror real-world challenges, students learn how to work in teams, think critically, and nurture creativity.

Discover Talent

helping students discover their talents and abilities through engaging lesson activities and ignite their passion for education.

Age-level learning

Our programs are curated for two different age groups, so every lesson offers the appropriate level of engagement for your little ones.

Grow their creative confidence

Each creative activity project is an opportunity for your child to embrace a new challenge. Through hands-on learning, your child is more likely to remain engaged and to build upon their creative problem-solving skills.

Summer Camp

Our vibrant Summer Camp Programs offer students a diverse array of activities to explore various art forms, including Jewelry Making, Calligraphy and Brush Painting, Art and Craft, and Clay Creation alongside weekly field trip and daily Outdoor activities to further enrich the learning experience.

Our Programs

Jewelry Making

Art & Craft

Calligraphy & Brush Painting

Clay Creations