Field Trips

Field Trips

As the Chinese ancient saying goes, "Traveling ten thousand miles is better than reading ten thousand books." That's why our summer camp's field trips offer children the best way to experience life and explore the world. This summer, we'll take students on excursions to:

Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo: Here, they'll delve into science, get up close to flamingos, and even feed them.

Magical Bridge Playground: At this enchanting playground, children will engage in outdoor activities, connect with nature, and appreciate its beauty.

Stanford Cantor Arts Center: At this renowned center, they'll admire world-class artworks and refine their artistic sensibilities.

Computer History Museum: In this museum, children will broaden their horizons and get close to the evolution of technology.

Through these meticulously planned activities, we aim to spark children's curiosity, expand their knowledge, and foster learning through play and exploration.